Every one of these images were shot through my trusty old nikon fm2 and either captured on slide oder color negative film. To be specific, Fujifilm superia 200 for color neg and Agfa Precisa CT for slide.

We stayed at one of my friends parent's guest house. They live a couple of hours away from Budapest in a small village populated by about 300 people. It's a really authentic little town in the middel of nowwhere completely surrounded by woods.

The first full day was pretty rainy and cold, so we didn't du much at first but around lunch time it stopped raining so we started to explore some areas we hadn't visited yet. This was actually my second time visiting Budapest as I had already been there one year before. This ment I already knew some images I really wanted to capture.

Budapest has some the most amazing looking architecture and atmosphere of all cities I have visited yet. This is one of the reasons I really wanted to go there a second time.

This picture of the yellow tram rushing past me towards the green bridge going over the Donau is probably my favourite images of the hole trip, if not one of my favourite pictures I took during any travel or holidy. I had so much luck that the composition turned out this clean without any people or cares in frame, just the tram with the perfekt amount of motion blur.

On the way up the hill to the Citadella you can get a really amazing view of about all of Budapest. I was really stunned just by how large the city really is, even when seeing it for the second time.

Again, the architecture of this city is just amazing and beautiful.
If you are looking for a great sunset spot with a clear view over the city I would recomend to check out the Fischerbastei which is on a hill with maybe a 220° view.

I found it to actually be a lot easier to get a decent night shot on film than I initially thought. I did bracket my exposure over 3 or 4 shots, but they turned out to be very similar so 2 or 3 stops didn't really make a big difference.

Thank you for reading this far. I hope you enjoyed this little story about my time in Budapest an the pictures I took there. For more content you can have a look around my Projects page or follow me on social media.